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You are entering a mysterious and fascinating world of dreams where the rules of reality do not apply. We hope that Dream Moods will help you make sense of your dreams and achieve a better understanding of them. We're dedicated to helping you find the key to unlocking and interpreting the meanings to your dreams. By understanding your dreams, you will gain a better perspective on your life. We realize that your dreams are unique. No other individual can have your background, your emotions, or your experiences. Every dream is connected with your own "reality". Thus, in interpreting your dreams, it is important to draw from your personal life and experiences. Remember that a dream unifies the body, mind, and spirit. It provides you with insight into ourselves and a means for self-exploration. In understanding your dreams, you will have a better understanding and discovery of your true self. So stay awhile -- explore, discover, have fun, make friends, and find out what's in YOUR dream?! When analyzing dreams it is important to try and determine what has instigated the dream. Dreams can result from a variety of factors. For instance in some circumstances eating something difficult to digest before bed can cause dream's to be revealed as meaningless images. In other instances the flu can cause dreams to become fragmented visions caused from a sick body trying to heal itself. Although these pictures mean nothing to us logically, there is likely some pattern there that is applicable to the body. In still other instances dreams can reveal emotional struggles. Although dreams can result from a variety of different factors, more often than not, the dreams we recall can be understood. We can recreate the story line, which we can later write down and analyze. These dreams can give us great insights into what we're dealing with in our lives at a particular moment in time. They can depict both minor and major emotional struggles. They can also depict problems you have within yourself. These depictions can be some of the most profound life changing messages you will ever receive. In his book on Edgar Cayce, Henry Reed talks about a higher self or 'the witness', which watches everything we do, say, feel and think. Our higher self never goes to sleep, it is always awake, watching, processing and seeing things from an objective perspective as we struggle through our lives. Our higher self is aware of and connected with the creative energy of the universe. It uses this energy to get our lives back on track by sending us messages through our dreams. It is because of this higher self that there is no one better than you for analyzing your own dreams. Only you can understand what you need? A therapist can look at your life and see from the outside what appears to be the problem, but only you can see yourself from the inside, having full knowledge of all of your personal history and all of your secrets. No therapist can help you if you leave out what could be the most important information of all when trying to deal with a symptom you may be experiencing. You are the only one who knows the full story. Our higher self can create images in our dreams in an instant. It can embed symbols inside of dramatic stories, which from beginning to end can have profound meaning for us. In her recent book, Debbie Ford talks about the holographic model of the universe. This theory describes every living thing as being a small part of the whole universe. The best way to describe this theory is to think of the universe as a large mirror. When a mirror breaks, each piece becomes a mirror in and of itself but at the same time is a piece of the whole. Similarly a drop of water out of the ocean contains all of the same elements of the whole ocean. --------- P.K.Roy---------